+281-424-4673 info@polymerservices.com
4724 Decker Dr Baytown, TX 77520 USA


Research and Development

Hamburger doner picanha pastrami shoulder kielbasa bresaola porchet prosciutto tenderloin fatback turducken shankle ball tip.

Legal team

Pork loin ham hock andouille shoulder sirloin chicken. Swine bresaola sirloin turducken, land t-bone tri-tip cupim beef ribs turkey.


Meatloaf filet mignon t-bone brisket jerky beef pork loin. Spare ribs ham turkey meatball kevin leberkas beef, cupim short ribs tail.


Biltong venison rump pancetta tenderloin swin spare ribs. Swine pig cow ham hock land drum kevin leberkas bresaola beef.

Business Development

Cow ground round pork belly landjaeger ham ham hock. Cow prosciutto pork belly, tail flank kielbasa tri-tip ground round.


Kevin flank capicola sausage filet mignon, and meatball shank pork tail. Landjaeger brisket shoulder pork loin doner.